6th June 2021-Canvey Methodist Church Worship Services

Sunday Service 6th June 2021.


1)Call to worship: STF 832 Psalm-  Psalm 130


Out of the depths, I cry to you O Lord

 Lord, hear my voice

Let your ears be attentive

to the voice of my supplication,


If you, O Lord should mark iniquities

Lord, who could stand?

But there is forgiveness with you,

so that you may be revered.


I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,

and in His word I hope:

My soul waits for the Lord

more than those who watch for the morning.

more than those who watch for the morning.


O Israel, hope in the Lord

For with the Lord there is steadfast love,

and with him there is great power to redeem.

It is he who will redeem Israel

from all its iniquities.



2)Hymn 83 Praise my soul



Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven;

To His feet thy tribute bring.

Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,

Who like me His praise should sing:

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise the everlasting King.

Praise Him for His grace and favour

To our fathers in distress.

Praise Him still the same as ever,

Slow to chide, and swift to bless

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Glorious in His faithfulness.

Fatherlike He tends and spares us;

Well our feeble frame He knows.

In His hands He gently bears us,

Rescues us from all our foes.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Widely yet His mercy flows.

Frail as summer's flower we flourish,

Blows the wind and it is gone;

But while mortals rise and perish

Our God lives unchanging on,

Praise Him, Praise Him, Hallelujah

Praise the High Eternal One!

Angels, help us to adore Him;

Ye behold Him face to face;

Sun and moon, bow down before Him,

Dwellers all in time and space.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise with us the God of grace


3)Prayer and Lord’s prayer


4) Genesis 3; 8-15

8 Then the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking in the garden. It was during the coolest time of the day. They hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called out to the man. “Where are you?” he asked. 10 “I heard you in the garden,” the man answered. “I was afraid, because I was naked. So I hid.” 11 The Lord God said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten fruit from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?” 12 The man said, “It’s the fault of the woman you put here with me. She gave me some fruit from the tree. And I ate it.” 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What have you done?” The woman said, “The serpent tricked me. That’s why I ate the fruit.”14 So the Lord God spoke to the serpent. He said, “Because you have done this, “You are set apart from all livestock and all wild animals. I am putting a curse on you. You will crawl on your belly. You will eat dust all the days of your life. 15 I will make you and the woman hate each other. Your children and her children will be enemies. Her son will crush your head. And you will bite his heel.


5) Mark 3; 20-35

Jesus Is Accused by Teachers of the Law. 20 Jesus entered a house. Again a crowd gathered. It was so large that Jesus and his disciples were not even able to eat. 21 His family heard about this. So they went to take charge of him. They said, “He is out of his mind.” 22 Some teachers of the law were there. They had come down from Jerusalem. They said, “He is controlled by Beelzebul! He is driving out demons by the power of the prince of demons.” 23 So Jesus called them over to him. He began to speak to them using stories. He said, “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom fights against itself, it can’t stand. If a family is divided, it can’t stand. And if Satan fights against himself, and his helpers are divided, he can’t stand. That is the end of him. In fact, none of you can enter a strong man’s house unless you tie him up first. Then you can steal things from his house. What I’m about to tell you is true. Everyone’s sins and evil words against God will be forgiven. But whoever speaks evil things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. Their guilt will last forever.” Jesus said this because the teachers of the law were saying, “He has an evil spirit.”

Jesus’ Mother and Brothers

Jesus’ mother and brothers came and stood outside. They sent someone in to get him. A crowd was sitting around Jesus. They told him, “Your mother and your brothers are outside. They are looking for you. “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” he asked. Then Jesus looked at the people sitting in a circle around him. He said, “Here is my mother! Here are my brothers!  Anyone who does what God wants is my brother or sister or mother.


6) 2 Corinthians 4; 16 – 5; 1

 We don’t give up. Our bodies are becoming weaker and weaker. But our spirits are being renewed day by day.  Our troubles are small. They last only for a short time. But they are earning for us a glory that will last forever. It is greater than all our troubles.  So we don’t spend all our time looking at what we can see. Instead, we look at what we can’t see. That’s because what can be seen lasts only a short time. But what can’t be seen will last forever. We know that the earthly tent we live in will be destroyed. But we have a building made by God. It is a house in heaven that lasts forever. Human hands did not build it.


7) Hymn 459 Captain of Israel’s host and guide



Captain of Israel's host, and Guide

Of all who seek the land above,

Beneath Thy shadow we abide,

The cloud of Thy protecting love;

Our strength, Thy grace, our rule, Thy Word;

Our end, the glory of the Lord.


By Thine unerring Spirit led,

We shall not in the desert stray

We shall not full direction need

Nor miss our providential way;

As far from danger as from fear,

While Love, almighty Love, is near.

We've no abiding city here,

but seek a city out of sight;

thither our steady course we steer,

aspiring to the plains of light;

Jerusalem the saints' abode,

whose founder is the living God


8) Sermon


Prayers of intercession

Our prayers for others - After each thought, we’ll pause for a brief silence so that we can pray our own prayers in our hearts

Let us pray -

Dear Lord. We come before you to bring our prayers for others.  We thank you for the privilege of being able to pray to you and to know that you hear our prayers.   We thank you for all answered prayer and for your love and care.

We pray for our world.. Thank you for giving us this wonderful earth and all its resources.  We pray for all countries but especially for those where there is violence and where people live in fear.  Please bring peace and stability.


We pray for the church…. We thank you so much for our church here and for our church family.  We thank you for the love and fellowship we share here. We pray for our church family and bring each person before you for your blessing.  Thank you that you are the light of the world.  May your light shine through us.  Please lead us and guide us.  We remember the persecuted church and pray that you will give them protection and hope.


We pray that in your great mercy, you will bring an end to this Corona Virus and all the variants. We thank you for the vaccine and its effectiveness.  We pray that the right decisions will be made about the lifting of restrictions for us to come out of lockdown.  


We pray for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.  Your word tells us that you heal the broken hearted and we pray that you will comfort and support them.

We have loved ones on our minds who desperately need you and we pray for them and all those named in our church prayer book who need your special touch of healing and peace. We lift each one individually before you.  We think of Brian Gutberlet who is due to have an operation this week.  Please have him in your care.  We bring these people before you now in a moment’s silence, for your healing power and blessing.


Thank you Lord.

We pray for Colin and Cathy and for their family.  We ask you to bless them and continue to lead them in their love and work for you.  We thank you that Anna has arrived home safely.  Please bless her time here. We pray for dear Rufus and ask for your healing and that the right decisions will be made for his treatment.

And dear Lord, we pray for ourselves.  May you bless each one of us.  Thank you for your gift of salvation and we thank you for the mercies that are new for us each morning.  We gratefully receive these mercies, and your love and grace.  As we start this new week help us to listen more closely to you for your leading and please give us wisdom so that we can be closer to you and move in step with your guidance.

Thank you for hearing our prayers.  We bring them to you in the strong and powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and all that His name stands for.



9) Hymn 479 The King of love



The king of love my shepherd is,

Whose goodness faileth never;

I nothing lack if I am his

And he is mine for ever. 


Where streams of living water flow

My ransomed soul he leadeth,

And where the verdant pastures grow

With food celestial feedeth. 


Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,

But yet in love he sought me,

And on his shoulder gently laid,

And home rejoicing brought me. 


In death's dark vale I fear no ill

With thee, dear Lord, beside me;

Thy rod and staff my comfort still,

Thy cross before to guide me. 


Thou spread'st a table in my sight;

Thy unction grace bestoweth;

And O what transport of delight

From thy pure chalice floweth! 


And so through all the length of days

Thy goodness faileth never:

Good shepherd, may I sing thy praise

Within thy house for ever. 




10)  Blessing


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