The Church Bible Study and Prayer Fellowship meets each Tuesday evening at 8pm, at Canvey Methodist Church, and offers a time of lively worship, conversation, prayer and Bible Study. We generally use the next Sunday’s Bible Readings for a topic and discussion starter and then together benefit from insights bought by those who come along to the meeting. We occasionally watch a topical film or follow a particular course of Bible Study linked to particular times
of the year such as at Lent, Easter, Christmas etc. As we are nearing Pentecost, we are going to be following another study called “First Century Game Changers” that has been prepared for the “Spring Harvest Festival” by Roy Crowne and Laurence Singlehurst. (Both of “Hope Together”). These reflections will look at the experiences of the early church in ACTS and upon the Christian Calling of “making a difference” in the way we serve our community in "word and deed”. We would really like to open up this course to as many people as possible and so if you can spare 6 Tuesday Evenings from the 10th May onwards, then please do come along and share in this exciting and thought provoking study.
A significant part of our time together on a Tuesday evening is dedicated to Prayer and in praying for the needs shared by group members, and the concerns arising in and for the world and community around us. If you have a prayer need, then do please come along and bring this to be included in the prayer times.
Alternatively, please contact us by email ( and we will pray for you.
Finally, all who are seeking God, are welcome to come along. No qualifications are necessary.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
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